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Dernière modification le 28/04/2011


This will display regular tooltip.

This will display an image in a popup box.

This will open a URL in a popup box using default settings.

This will open a URL in a popup box using custom settings for width and height.

This will open a Flash movie in a popup box.

This will display any element from the page in a popup box.

Click on this to show/hide next sibling.

This is the NEXT sibling!

This is the PREVIOUS sibling!

Click on this to show/hide previous sibling.

Click on this to show/hide element based on ID. It can be placed anywhere on the page. (This works only on anchor elements)

This is the element with ID "toggler"!

Click on this link to jump to the footer

  • Built-in rotation script...
  • ...rotates child nodes of any element!

Styled Elements

This is abbreviation
This is strong
This is emphasis
This is bold text
This is italic text
This is cite
This is code sample
This is small text
This is big text
This is deleted text
This is inserted text
This is defining instance
This is user input
This is sample output
This is inline quote
These are superscript and subscript
This is variable or program argument